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Root Canal Treatment -  Reasons Procedure

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment also known as the Endodontic procedure is where an infected portion of the tooth that is the infected pulp in the root canal is removed and the hollow is cleaned, sealed and re-shaped, which also results in the protection of the disinfected tooth from future infectious invasion. 

Why do teeth need Root Canal Treatment?

The purpose of the root canal treatment is to remove bacteria that are affecting the infected root canal, avoid reinfection, and save the original tooth. The inflammatory or infected pulp is extracted, and the interior of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned as well as disinfected before being filled and sealed. Hence, Endodontic therapy is commonly known as root canal therapy. It is a dental procedure that removes the infection from the inside of a tooth. It can also help to prevent the tooth from infection in the long term.

A root canal is usually performed while you're under local anesthesia by a regular dentist or endodontist.

Reasons For A Root Canal Treatment

  • If the soft inner component of a tooth, termed as the pulp, is wounded, inflamed, and infected, a root canal is conducted.

  • Even though the pulp is dead, the crown of the tooth — the area visible above the gums — can stay intact. The safest technique to keep a tooth's structure is to remove injured or infectious pulp.

  • How much does it cost?

  • Dental treatment costs vary widely, however preserving a tooth with a root canal is quite inexpensive.

  • The alternative option is extraction, which is generally more expensive because an implant/bridge to restore the tooth is required afterward.

  • Extraction can also cause malocclusion, or crooked teeth, as well as chewing difficulties.


What is the alternative to Root Canal Treatment

Everybody is worried about the cost of tooth canal treatment.

  • ​Dental treatment costs vary widely, however preserving a tooth with a RCT is quite inexpensive.

  • The alternative option is extraction, which is generally more expensive because an implant/bridge to restore the tooth is required afterward.

  • Extraction can also cause malocclusion, or crooked teeth, as well as chewing difficulties.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure?

In a dental office, a tooth canal is undertaken by professionals. When you attend the appointment, a specialist will lead you to a treatment area, assist you in settling into a chair, and wrap a bib across your neck to prevent your clothing from stains. A root canal isn't more uncomfortable or painful than a filling or having a wisdom tooth extracted because patients are given an anesthetic. A RCT, on the other hand, is usually a little uncomfortable or numb afterward, and can even cause mild discomfort for a couple of days.

What is the difference between Manual Root Canal and a Rotary Root canal, Advantages and Cost

​Manual Root Canal Treatment

Manual Root Canal involves the usage of instruments that needs to be manually operated such as hand files. A manual RCT can be time-consuming and can make the patient tired and the long time co-operation of the patient is required 

Manual RCT procedure in Bangalore can cost somewhere between Rs 5,000 and 8000 depending on the severity of the case.


Rotary Root Canal Treatment

Rotary procedure involves the use of Rotary instrumentation which gives good and clean efficiency and provides a better quality of treatment in less time. Rotary canal treatments are quicker than manual canal treatments and more efficient. Rotary canal treatment in Bangalore can cost anywhere between 8,000 - 15,000

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